Hey there
Thanks for dropping by,
I hope your AWM Business is growing daily.
Welcome to all the new members joining us :-)
I hope you all had an awesome New Years Eve, and were able to party
at least a little bit :-)
We celebrated in our traditional way, by watching the Canadian Jr. Hokey Team play
in the World Championships. This years victim was Sweden.
Sorry to all of the Swedish members, but the best team did win :-)
Alright, lets get down to it.....
It is that time of year again! It's time for the Word of the Year!!
For those of you who have been with me for a while you know what
I am talking about. For those who don't, let me enlighten you :-)
For the past 6 years I have come up with a single word that will embody
my online and off line self. A single word that will define my goals and actions
for the coming year.
Here are my past Word of the Year entries
2017 - Attitude
2018 - Focus
2019 - Trust
2020 - Value
2021 - Resilient
2022 - Accomplish
Each of these words were of great personal inspiration for those years, and they honestly
did make a difference in my daily life.
It is amazing how effective a single word can be when given constructive purpose :-)
I take this exercise very serious, and put a lot of thought into my Word.
It makes my evaluate how I want to approach the year, and what will
carry me to personal and business growth.
So after much thought and consideratrion......
My 2023 Word of the Year is TIME.
Time is the framework of the hours and minutes of our day.
Each day starts as a blank canvas of unlimited options.
Time is the brush that we use to paint that canvas.
This year I am going to look at all aspects of the hours and minutes
I have each day, and how I can best optimize my TIME.
How I manage my time, share my time, utilize my time,
make time and enjoy my time are just a few of the motivating factors
I have come up with to bring my Word of the Year to life.
I think TIME is the perfect word to represent both my online and offline efforts this year.
I will set my 2023 personal and business goals based on the respect for TIME
I can't wait to get started!!
I fully encourage you all to come up with your 2023 Word of the Year.
It really is an exercise that creates an instant connection with what you
are looking to achieve in 2023.
And of course I would love to hear all of your wonderful choices :-)
2022 is in the books, and 2023 is in our hands!
It is TIME to get this new year under way :-)
I wish you and yours a huge HAPPY NEW YEAR,
filled with nothing but Health, Happiness and Success in 2023!
Thanks for reading today, and as always...take time to smell the advertising,
there are a lot of great things growing out there.
To Your AWM Success
Kevin Gerber
Looking for a simple, effect, and DFY way to jumpstart your online success.
Internet Marketing Income System is a great place to start.
This Earn while you Learn system is perfect for any level of marketer.
Check it out here ==> https://warriorplus.com/o2/a/xnxcq/0
Hey there {!firstname_fix}
Thanks for dropping by,
I hope your AWM Business is growing daily.
Welcome to all the new members joining us :-)
I hope you all had an awesome New Years Eve, and were able to party
at least a little bit :-)
We celebrated in our traditional way, by watching the Canadian Jr. Hokey Team play
in the World Championships. This years victim was Sweden.
Sorry to all of the Swedish members, but the best team did win :-)
Alright, lets get down to it.....
It is that time of year again! It's time for the Word of the Year!!
For those of you who have been with me for a while you know what
I am talking about. For those who don't, let me enlighten you :-)
For the past 6 years I have come up with a single word that will embody
my online and off line self. A single word that will define my goals and actions
for the coming year.
Here are my past Word of the Year entries
2017 - Attitude
2018 - Focus
2019 - Trust
2020 - Value
2021 - Resilient
2022 - Accomplish
Each of these words were of great personal inspiration for those years, and they honestly
did make a difference in my daily life.
It is amazing how effective a single word can be when given constructive purpose :-)
I take this exercise very serious, and put a lot of thought into my Word.
It makes my evaluate how I want to approach the year, and what will
carry me to personal and business growth.
So after much thought and consideratrion......
My 2023 Word of the Year is TIME.
Time is the framework of the hours and minutes of our day.
Each day starts as a blank canvas of unlimited options.
Time is the brush that we use to paint that canvas.
This year I am going to look at all aspects of the hours and minutes
I have each day, and how I can best optimize my TIME.
How I manage my time, share my time, utilize my time,
make time and enjoy my time are just a few of the motivating factors
I have come up with to bring my Word of the Year to life.
I think TIME is the perfect word to represent both my online and offline efforts this year.
I will set my 2023 personal and business goals based on the respect for TIME
I can't wait to get started!!
I fully encourage you all to come up with your 2023 Word of the Year.
It really is an exercise that creates an instant connection with what you
are looking to achieve in 2023.
And of course I would love to hear all of your wonderful choices :-)
2022 is in the books, and 2023 is in our hands!
It is TIME to get this new year under way :-)
I wish you and yours a huge HAPPY NEW YEAR,
filled with nothing but Health, Happiness and Success in 2023!
Thanks for reading today, and as always...take time to smell the advertising,
there are a lot of great things growing out there.
To Your AWM Success
Kevin Gerber
Looking for a simple, effect, and DFY way to jumpstart your online success.
Internet Marketing Income System is a great place to start.
This Earn while you Learn system is perfect for any level of marketer.
Check it out here ==> https://warriorplus.com/o2/a/xnxcq/0